Your Spirit & Your Body

Your body is part of your glorious human birthright.

Your body is designed to partner with you in kingdom life.

It impacts, limits, enhances, and defines what you can do.

What you invest in your body can reap glorious fruit.

Jesus was born fully human, with a fully physical body.

After His resurrection, He still had a physical body; He ate with His disciples, and invited them to touch the reality of His still-human-albeit-glorified body.

A few things we will explore and work on in this class:

  • Dreams - how are your body’s electrical signals cleansed during the night? How do dreams factor in? How does your human spirit help?

  • Righteous structures that are designed to clothe your body in protection, inside & out.

  • What is your “tripod” for your ecorealm? Can life be simpler through that understanding?

  • Your body’s team players - your organs, lungs, digestive tract, and so on - are designed to work flawlessly together in synergy inside your ecorealm. What has distracted them?

  • How does your physical body represent Solomon’s Temple? Which portion of your spirit helps to restore those proportions?

  • Energy - what is the furnace, where fuel is received and energy is brokered? Is there residual energy all around you that needs to be removed?

  • God designed your physical body to interface with the Deep of the Earth. Are toxic influences being involuntarily siphoned up by your body?

  • I Cor. 5 mentions that we have a spiritual body. How does it affect your physical body?

    And so much more!

Class enrollment will be limited to ten people.

Classes will meet weekly at the same time, for eight weeks.

Each session tends to run about two hours long.

Class sessions for Fall 2024:

Mondays at 1:00 pm EST beginning Sept. 9

Saturdays at 12 noon EST, beginning Sept 7

Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST, beginning October 29

You can find out how to register here

Course fee: $425

Please note that there will be no refund given after the first class