Your Spirit and Your Brain

Your brain is designed by God to receive sensory information about your environment, and to use that to create your understanding of reality.

Your brain is designed to interface with all the other parts of your body, with your soul, and with your human spirit.

We were created to live in a vivid, fully engaged, deeply experiential way that is connected to spiritual reality as well as physical reality.

Our brain, with all its glorious complexity, was also designed to flow in unity, synchronized to God, synchronized to creation.

God wired your brain to help you receive everything you need from your unique ecosystem, and to build on those resources.

Unfortunately, throughout life, different aspects of our brain are compromised, compartmentalized, and ultimately disconnected, to produce a less vivid life experience than God’s original design.

Working with the human spirit in the brain has been an exciting frontier with much promise.

This class is rich with tools that work to help you stay fully grounded in reality, as well as allowing your brain to receive light from all the resources that God has provided, but which commonly are blocked by many things.

Your Spirit & Your Brain will meet weekly for eight sessions. Each session will be open-ended, but probably last between 90 minutes and two hours. The homework for this class is where the real action takes place - allow several hours per week for doing the brain exercises. (But most of the homework is really fun!)

There is no prerequisite for this class. Anyone at any level with their spirit, beginners or advanced, is welcome to take this class.

Class times:

There will probably be a class in late summer of 2024. Email me if you think you might be interested, at

Tuition for the class is $425, by Venmo or Zelle, or $444 by PayPal.

Find out how to register here.

Please note that there will be no refund given after the first class.

Testimonies from the Your Spirit & Your Brain classes:

This class was so timely for what I was going through in my life! I was finally able to get momentum and restart projects that had been stuck for years. I literally felt more intelligent after every class and I know it's just the beginning. I also loved the unique experiences with the homework activities. I can't recommend this class enough for those in need of a clear mind, who desire to access the wisdom and intelligence God has already deposited in you and your spirit. — Dani L.

As a young adult believer I was instructed to pray for the sick, and even for things like broken bones and cancer to be healed. But I never knew how to pray while engaging my human spirit. I never even thought of praying for my brain, and for its processes, specific parts/functions and any ungodly junk that might be collected in there. I have gone through a lot of inner healing ministry from a number of places, teachers and ministries, and that was all good, but the “Your Spirit & Your Brain” class connected all the dots for me. Healing my thoughts, learning new ideas relating to brain self-care, and receiving deliverance to specific brain areas were all areas that really landed amazingly for me. This class also really impacted my ability to hear the Lord. I find that I really slide into a place of connection with God much more easily now. — Paula O.

As Holy Spirit began to work in my brain, I felt a new clarity. I felt that my thoughts were better at journeying from point A to point B. They weren’t getting sucked into wormholes as much. Two favourite changes are that I am able to give instructions to my children and I am able to cook with creativity. I used to experience debilitating trauma-brain in each of these situations. Giving instructions and cooking used to feel like wading through deep mud in the dark. Now I am able to focus and think more clearly. My thoughts drive on the proper highways. I feel like the light got turned on. I’m so thankful that Jesus is doing this good work in my brain. I love experiencing the freedom to perform these nurturing and noble tasks with dignity, peace, calm, and safety in my brain and nervous system. — Amy H.

I recommend this class very highly. Cynthia is a very safe person, and is kind, thoughtful and very knowledgeable on the subject matter. I appreciate her ability to translate and really understand. She shares great wisdom in this class and makes it enjoyable. I have grown so much in my relationship with the Lord and with my spirit. My joy level is way over and above where it was.

And, remarkably, I have learned to set Godly boundaries with folks, and be at peace about it. I have learned to deal with intrusive people in an entirely different way, and have had such great peace, understanding and dramatically increased discernment. -Tonia B.

To read more testimonies, click here.