
To share a testimony, email me at Cynthia@YourSpiritClasses.org


This class has been outstanding for me. Over a number of years, I have extensively studied Arthur Burk’s Redemptive Gifts of Individuals and Nurturing/Developing your Spirit resources. Though I do interact with my spirit, I had never knowingly connected with the seven individual portions of my spirit. I was amazed to discover how responsive they were as Cynthia worked with them. I can really feel the change now that they are in the Seat of Dominion, and I have experienced a shift in my life, particularly in addressing work problems as the different portions contribute.

I would have no hesitation in recommending this course to anybody who desires to push the boundaries of what they have experienced of a spirit-led life.


— Nick T. from Your Spirit 101


I signed up for the Your Spirit 101 class at the advice of Arthur Burk. I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed at all the information I'd been learning the past year since joining the SLG tribe and was really craving help with some practical application. And Cynthia delivered! I felt that I was learning to move at the speed of light (which makes sense because our spirits are made of light). Many things in my life have shifted foundationally and I'm still discovering things God did in that class, but the most prominent change has been my spirit being more active at night (or at least me having much more conscious awareness of how active it is). I'm able to resolve a lot of issues in my sleep! How cool!

— Margo L. from Your Spirit 101

I have listened to Arthur Burk's teachings on our human spirit and how to nurture it, have used the Blessing Your Spirit book and listened to his blessing audio tracks. But Cynthia's class has been for me the “A-ha!” experience. Hearing her explanations, her ways to approach problems and her encouragement has helped me enormously. I have a much better understanding of who my spirit is, how to interact and what to expect. My walk with the Lord is richer, with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Cynthia's class is very hands-on. I needed several hours a week between classes to review the prior class and work on her suggestions. It started out outside my experience and comfort zone, but as I plunged in, I have grown in confidence.

Cynthia's joy, respect and delight in Jesus and His light in us is inspiring!

-Jackie T., Your Spirit 101

I was introduced to Arthur Burk and SLG during the lockdown for Covid and found many great blessings. I have taken all the classes that Cynthia offers up to this point. I took “Your Spirit 101,” “Your Spirit and Your Heart,” “Your Spirit and Your Brain,” and just completed Your Spirit Level Two.

I have enjoyed each of the classes and I have met some amazingly spirited people. I have grown by leaps and bounds through every class just by realizing all things are possible and we have many more avenues to explore. Through Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God our Father, our human spirit can do so many things, beyond so many limits.

“Your Spirit Level Two” has been the class that has challenged me the most, in which I have experienced the most growth. I have come to realize that I have a spirit that loves to take risks and doesn’t like to wonder “what if.” I am redemptive gift of Ruler with a strong Prophet and through some amazing shopping experiences, I learned that I have a strong Giver also.

I am still working to recognize the abilities of each portion and planning on strengthening each one to the fullest. I am looking forward to the future and all the possibilities. 

-Tonia J. from Your Spirit Level Two 

The Walkaway exercise was profound! I started doing that exercise, and the internal and constant chatter of “You should!” “You need to do!” “You’re not enough!” “You’re lazy!” and other thoughts got a lot quieter. I now have a tool to use when the deluge comes, I can run to alignment with HIM and walk away from the accusations. I plan to review the assignments and see if some of the tools you shared will help my heart and spirit unlock the keys for physical healing. For the first 5 weeks of class the pain in my body did decrease a lot! That gives me hope.  Thank you for investing so deeply in the courses you offer. I find them invaluable and continue to use the tools from previous courses. I now have a new set of tools to unpack and put into my tool belt to use for myself and others.  -Meredith S., Your Spirit & Your Heart

I have just finished Your Spirit 101, and Your Spirit Level 2, and I am going to try and put into words what these two classes have meant to me.  All of us have gone through things that have wounded our soul and spirit and yet haven't known how to deal with all of that and seemed to be going so slow.  There were times that I felt like I would never be whole in this lifetime.  Then a dear friend shared with me the classes that Cynthia does and I thought I would try it.  

The very idea that my spirit would come alive and begin to show me depths of love and wisdom from God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit didn't sound so amazing until after the first class of prayer.  My eyes were opened to see the real truth, rather than a biased truth that I was seeing through my woundedness.  To be healed on so many levels over such a short period of time was phenomenal and miraculous.  It really gave me hope that I could be healed so I could help others, instead of always being the wounded one. 

I am so excited about taking both the heart and brain class.  I could share so much and am so thankful that Cynthia does these classes and shows us how to unpack all that God has put inside of each of us.  Then we can become a blessing to others as we are blessed.  :) 

-Janet P., Your Spirit, Level Two

First, let me thank you for the classes I taken so far!  Both Level Two and the Brain class are helping me to walk out the spirit in the physical.  I've been in my brain for so long, learning.  My attitude was that I had to learn (know and understand) everything before it became walking in the spirit.  I hungered and thirsted for factual knowledge but that alone isn't complete.  I am experiencing the hunger and thirst for the intimacy of living a spiritual life and not just a physical one.  

I am looking forward to taking “Your Spirit and Your Body, “ and “Your Spirit and Your Heart!”    

 -Nan J., Your Spirit, Level Two

I have so appreciated these classes and have truly been blessed to have been a part of them. Thank you so much for making them available. You are so full of wisdom and discernment. I’m so glad Arthur sent me your way. What a great journey to have traveled. I feel different and blessed. You are simply amazing. 😀

 -Marsha F., Your Spirit & Your Heart

This Heart class made a very big difference in my life. I knew my heart needed healing all along, but I had no idea on how to do it. And this really settled my heart for me.

 I am excited to see how I can go forward with my newly healed heart. I can tell you that I do everything differently at work. I have more peace and more patience to deal with people. And that was always something I wanted…..to deal with people without getting so many emotions and getting upset. It has changed everything for me at work.

Each and every class that I have done with Cynthia has made a big difference in my life and how I do things. I am grateful that she is doing this for God’s people. I pray that God will keep blessing her so that she can keep helping His people to heal and move forward with the things that we all have to do for Him.

 -Debbie J., Your Spirit & Your Heart

Cynthia’s Courses are outstanding, they are everything your spirit ever dreamed of and more! 

The Brain Class was like a waterfall of blessing for my spirit. Cynthia delivers awesome content, revelation, teaching and prayer that gives you tools to go to another level with your spirit, in fact to be how you were designed to be. With her wealth of knowledge and gifting she has put together a course that gives maximum blessing with deep cleansing to let your spirit sparkle and be filled with joy. If you run up against something that needs a little extra work then she guides you with out any drama to help your spirit take the lead and bring more cleansing. Each session was an absolute joy and the tools that she gives you to work with each week are life changing. I definitely would recommend this class. If you are thinking about it or feel the nudge in your spirit, don’t hesitate.

-Julia M.

During the first session of “Your Spirit 101,” Cynthia shared her testimony about calling the teacher portion to come help with a sickness. I took that testimony and tested it the same night.

I was in my room kneeling, and I don’t know what kind of move I did, but my back cracked and I couldn’t stand straight. So I called my spirit to attention, and I invited my Teacher portion. I could feel that she came right away. I asked her to partner with Holy Spirit and go to my lower back and fix whatever was not right there. I told her that while she was in heaven, she received all the necessary tools to keep our body working. It was not even 5 minutes, before my back was completely fixed. It was amazing. Glory to the Lord!

Then my daughter came down with a terrible cold. I did the same thing, speaking to her spirit, and her Teacher portion partnering with Holy Spirit worked on the virus. When she woke up the next day, my daughter was completely healed, thank you Jesus. I am in awe of God's goodness !

Thank you Lord! and thank you Cynthia for teaching about the human spirit.

-Cecilia C.

Working with the Prophet portion of my spirit in last week’s class was a huge game changer for me. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had the pervasive thought/feeling that I was missing something I needed to “do” life well. I know there was trauma in the womb, but I never considered that there may have been stuff even before that, in the transition between heaven and conception. When Cynthia asked the Lord for a do-over of that process, I noticed a real shift, though I think it took a few days for it to solidify in me. Super encouraging and I can tell my spirit is very much getting what it needs. The other portions notice that Prophet is different, and they are in awe. I explained to them that their turn is coming and have encouraged them to spend time receiving light from the Lord and getting in the river or drinking from the river to help the places where they feel like they need strength or healing.

I’ve also played the audio tracks at night. One morning I woke up with a verse about light going through my head. Made sense, since Prophet is about light. When I looked it up and started to pray through it, I got lots more revelation on light, and then more verses about light. This was several days ago and the Lord is continuing to show me more about light. It dawned on me that this is Shevat in the Hebrew calendar, also known for trees. There was something about light and trees together that was drawing me. I went through a bunch of old photos I’d taken of trees with partial sun shining through, or fall colors, or any number of different scenes with trees and light. I found myself sitting and staring at one of the photos, and then another, and another. It felt like Prophet was drinking it all in and it was very life-giving! “Photosynthesis!” ;)

The other thing that I’ve incorporated is a prayer that Cynthia prayed in one of the tracks in the list, for disentangling any other human spirits and recreating/resetting proper boundaries. I have started to pray that at night when I do the AHS cleansing and I am noticing more of a separation between myself and a couple other individuals.

There is a lot more happening than I can put into words, and I feel like I have six new questions every day because there is so much I don’t know! I am anticipating the next class and absolutely loving getting to know my spirit! Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Cynthia!

Jen C., Your Spirit 101

Following the prayer for Mercy, a lot came up for me... I spent nearly 2 weeks in tears almost daily. A lot of the issues that I was certain I had dwell with were coming back when I had thought I had already forgiven and moved on. 

I didn't realize that somehow I was still holding on to childhood pain that no longer served me in any way... Now I feel a lot better and will keep releasing as issues come up especially from childhood. I have gotten a lot of healing through this process as evidenced by me freely wishing my father a happy birthday after not having engaged in any conversation with him in the last year. Our relationship has been more than complicated but I try to do my part as the bible teaches me: to honor him. I thank God every day for giving me the strength to walk according to his words. 

Thank you so much for this class that impacted me more than I even imagined it would. 

Sadia A., Your Spirit Level Two

Taking the “Your Spirit 101” class has felt like an awakening, coming to a deeper understanding and interaction with my spirit. From the first lesson, there has been an excitement for new discoveries about who I am, relating to my spirit.

Cynthia has launched us on a lifetime journey of discovery. She worked to help us come to know our sevenfold spirit, and each portion’s strengths, while also restoring, cleansing, and enjoying the flow of life and time.

I look forward to continuing this process and journey of discovery with my spirit.

-Mark B. from Your Spirit 101.

I am grateful for what I have received and learned in these classes. I have taken three of the “Your Spirit” classes, and have been transformed.

I appreciate how Cynthia teaches, how she prepares her classes, and how she relates to each and all of us. She is very kind and respectful. That made it easier for me to understand, to be present, and to be vulnerable.

May the Lord continue blessing Cynthia with grace and kindness, and may her descendants receive from others when they need it, the same way we have in these classes.

-Yvette S. from Your Spirit and Your Heart.

I loved these classes! They were so full of practical wisdom and insights. Every time I left, it was with something new that was transformative to me.

-Wilma I. from Your Spirit 101.

Cynthia is a wise and compassionate teacher leading us on the amazing journey of connecting with each portion of the spirit. I experienced deliverance from generational bondage that had crippled the Ruler portion of my spirit, healing of deep wounds to my Exhorter portion, and the release of joy as Mercy was affirmed!
There is confidence and strength that comes from knowing and embracing God’s unique design for each one of us. It was a delight to see the different ways God spoke and ministered to each one of us in the class.

— DeeAnne B. from Your Spirit 101

In the Your Spirit & Your Heart class, I received teaching and blessing for so many things I didn't even know I needed. My heart was very impacted by the work we did. With the tools and knowledge gleaned from the classes, I feel more stable and secure in my relationship with the Lord and myself as a person. So much was cleaned out of my heart and so much healing took place within me.

Cynthia shares so much truth about our hearts, in a loving, compassionate way. She treats this sensitive area of our lives with grace, dignity, and honor. I am so glad I took this class and so thankful for the changes made within me. And I am looking forward to my future with a freshly healed heart.

-Tonia B. from Your Spirit and Your Heart

This class was so timely for what I was going through in my life! I was finally able to get momentum and restart projects that had been stuck for years.

I literally felt more intelligent after every class and I know it's just the beginning. I also loved the unique experiences with the homework activities. I can't recommend this class enough for those in need of a clear mind, who desire to access the wisdom and intelligence God has already deposited in you and your spirit.

— Dani L. from Your Spirit and Your Brain

“Your Spirit 101” has been incredibly transformative and freeing for every one of my spirit portions, but most especially Mercy. Mercy received so much healing, cleansing, and validation and is now beautifully tall and strong, shining with Light! The validation of another person addressing my spirit personally and engaging with my spirit's needs was such a special experience. And the beautiful beautiful redemptions God wrought for my missing/trapped portions as well... I am forever grateful!!

— Kathleen Y. from Your Spirit 101


While I have listened and prayed alongside Arthur Burk’s teachings for years, this class was like jumping into a rocket ship for my spirit.

Each week brought new experiences and insights, as well as uncovering issues that were holding me back. Cynthia creates the kind of environment of support and encouragement that gives you the freedom to explore and talk about what is happening in and with your spirit. This class is life-changing and definitely worth the investment!

— Bill R. from Your Spirit 101

I enjoyed the opportunity to connect with each portion of my spirit. One of the changes I have observed after working with my Teacher portion, is that I have greater understanding when I read scripture and about spiritual concepts. I feel like I can absorb more truth and have a place to put the information. It has made researching and reading the scripture much more enjoyable and I have noticed an increased desire to dive in deeper!

— Ashley F. from Your Spirit 101

This outstanding course provides valuable tools for enhancing cognitive function that are applicable in everyday life, complemented by extensive blessing time during sessions. I highly recommend it!

— Julia A. from Your Spirit and Your Brain

This class was life changing for me in several ways. The first thing that comes to mind is freedom. I can tangibly feel the freedom from  the structures that were there in my spiritual heart; structures that I didn’t even know were there. For example, I never thought of myself as a “hoarder” until the Holy Spirit began to clean all the residue in my heart. It felt like gentle power…

The “Walk Away” discipline has become a power tool in my toolbox. A great tool that really works! There were many sweet moments that I have no words for… there were moments of  intimacy that needed no words.. personal moments just between the Trinity and me. I know there is more still being processed, and I look forward to continuing to receive from the Lord.

— Millie T. from Your Spirit and Your Heart

As a young adult believer I was instructed to pray for the sick, and even for things like broken bones and cancer to be healed. But I never knew how to pray while engaging my human spirit. I never even thought of praying for my brain, and for its processes, specific parts/functions and any ungodly junk that might be collected in there.
I have gone through a lot of inner healing ministry from a number of places, teachers and ministries, and that was all good, but the “Your Spirit & Your Brain” class connected all the dots for me. Healing my thoughts, learning new ideas relating to brain self-care, and receiving deliverance to specific brain areas were all areas that really landed amazingly for me.
This class also really impacted my ability to hear the Lord. I find that I really slide into a place of connection with God much more easily now.

— Paula O. from Your Spirit and Your Brain


I had been wanting to work on my spirit for awhile and have listened to a lot of the teaching Arthur Burk has.  But teaching is one thing, hands on is another.  This provided just that and was above all of my expectations.  Cynthia was fabulous at teaching, making sure things were understood by all of us. She was able to bring clarity when new things came up that I wasn’t sure what to do with.  The class setting was very comfortable and safe.  This ministry was really life-changing for me. What I treasure most as a takeaway from the class is having such a deeper clarity in connecting to God (all of the Trinity).  I now walk through situations relying much more on my spirit’s connection to Holy Spirit and it has made such a big difference. I would encourage everyone at any stage to sign up for this.

— Trish H. from Your Spirit 101

Getting to know my human spirit personally has impacted so much of the day! Mornings are exciting, dreams are clearer, and emotional directions have become obvious. The time I spent with Cynthia continues to be a blessing months later!

— Kyle F. from Your Spirit 101

I took the Your Spirit 101 and two of the Coaching Classes, and through them, The LORD GOD has done an amazing work for me. I had seen and heard so many things in eight years of ministry... And still I did not know WHO I WAS!

Suddenly, after these classes for the first time I know WHO I AM.

In ONE moment transformation came from the hand of GOD, and I could see clearly again.

And the HONOR and GLORY belongs to CHRIST alone!!!!

— Mariette S. from Your Spirit Coaching

In this class, I saw another side of my Ruler portion: sweet, kind and peaceful. I have developed a new love for my own human spirit.

I thank you so much from my heart for this class and your ministry. I have grown up a lot and I have new lenses to see the way the Lord sees things.

— Diana O. from Your Spirit 101

As Holy Spirit began to work in my brain, I felt a new clarity. I felt that my thoughts were better at journeying from point A to point B. They weren’t getting sucked into wormholes as much. Two favourite changes are that I am able to give instructions to my children and I am able to cook with creativity. I used to experience debilitating trauma-brain in each of these situations. Giving instructions and cooking used to feel like wading through deep mud in the dark. Now I am able to focus and think more clearly. My thoughts drive on the proper highways. I feel like the light got turned on. I’m so thankful that Jesus is doing this good work in my brain. I love experiencing the freedom to perform these nurturing and noble tasks with dignity, peace, calm, and safety in my brain and nervous system.

— Amy H. from Your Spirit and Your Brain

This class was a beautiful experience. I loved that we were able to work with the seven portions with you helping us navigate through each one. I needed a mentor to help me unpack my seven portions. But unpack in a safe place so I could be me!!

There were several gold nuggets GOD showed me I was able to see them as we unpacked. Cynthia shared her knowledge of different tools we could use and I’m making a point to use them everyday. She mentored us throughout the class, and even afterwards….I was like WOW!!

I loved it when we would share; we were all in the same boat (learning together, seeing the transformation of each person). It would blow me away when we would share, having the same experience, feelings or visions!!!! GOD is so good.

The Your Spirit 101 class helped me learn more of how GOD created and designed me. It was an amazing journey and I know that this was just the beginning of this unpacking.

- Raquel H. from Your Spirit 101

In the Your Spirit 101 class, I learned to explore each of the seven portions of my spirit, and how to help them fully engage in my life.  It was exciting to learn that I am not limited to only my Redemptive Gift, but that we have all seven of the types represented in our human spirit.. Going through this class I found I could actively engage with my spirit on a deeper level, which brought healing and restoration into many areas.

Cynthia is very tuned in with the Holy Spirit and brings amazing insight to help you to connect and walk in the fullness of your human spirit.

— Anna B. from Your Spirit 101


I had the privilege of taking Cynthia’s ‘Your Spirit 101’ class.  This was a very strange thing for me. Having recently come out of Cessationism and recently discovering Holy Spirit, delving into ‘spirit healing’ was a new concept. At first I didn’t really understand the whole theology around the seven portions of the spirit, but Cynthia was able to explain in a gentle and non-judgmental way, referring to Bible texts to support what she was praying for. The prayers and blessings into the spirit each week gave me such peace and excitement. I went in the first week thinking I was Redemptive Gift Prophet, however, as each week passed, I became less certain as each portion was blessed. Each week, there appeared to be breakthrough, with gradual joy and boldness rising up inside me. I am actually really sad the class is over, as I have to admit, my Wednesday mornings (the particular class I was in), was the highlight of my week. I am looking forward to taking more of these classes.

Lise S. from Your Spirit 101

What fascinates me is Cynthia’s ability to find the unique level of every single person, picking up on the trails of everyone’s journey, and reflecting back to us with clarity what we were struggling to express or to identify. I acknowledge a very special gifting from God to her, which she has clearly developed by training and hard work. I have learned a lot in this class.

— Heléne B. from Your Spirit Coaching

I actually received a physical healing in my body during the Brain class.

For the past seven years I have noticed a “C” shaped curve in my spine and my vertebrae has looked disordered and traumatized.

After Cynthia prayed for our vertebrae, I felt a sense of love and belonging.

The following week, I had the clear thought from Holy Spirit to check my spine. I looked at it and to my amazement, my spine is now completely straight!

-Amy H. from Your Spirit and Your Brain

In this class, I really learned how to see that the human spirit is faster, sharper and more capable than the soul (mind)of accessing the Word of God and what the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding us into. And I received physical healing through what I had learned abou my own spirit. I have a big, heavy set of shelves that I tried to pick up by myself and wrestle to where I wanted it. I immediately I felt pain deep behind my legs, at the bottom of my spine, to the point where my mind was screaming with pain, and my body froze. I have experienced injuries like this before with very bad results.

However, after all this new training for my human spirit, I immediately found myself speaking to my spirit to come to attention, and my spirit took over! I could feel my spirit bringing resources to calm the cascade of pain and bring healing, while I stood there and slightly stretched the area. The pain lessened gradually, and finally completely left.

I took a few minutes rejoicing and shared with my prayer group that evening the way that my human spirit had partnered with the Holy Spirit to quickly release healing and restore things to normal. I had no residual pain, discomfort or problems. Yahoo! When the spirit is healthy and in charge of your daily life you have extraordinary benefits!

I am grateful to have taken this class!

-Paula O. from Your Spirit Level Two

I thoroughly enjoyed this class! I had a general knowledge of the seven portions of our spirit before taking the class, but was unable to communicate with them on an intimate level. Cynthia’s depth and breadth of knowledge was instrumental in me having a much better awareness of the strengths and/or challenges of each portion, what is causing limitations and how to grow & develop them. As a result, my relationship with God is richer, more intimate and relaxed. It is a beautiful journey and I am grateful!

— Kathy H. from Your Spirit 101

I am in awe of God and how He has used Cynthia and her classes to help me in so many areas. As an introvert, I tended to avoid people because I just couldn’t understand them, (and so many are extremely messy emotionally, which upset me before I understood what was going on). Now I see with new eyes and greater understanding, and I am enjoying it. Interactions are smoother internally for me.

— Tonia B. from AHS Practicum

What an amazing experience this class has been. The tools that Cynthia shared has helped me tremendously. Sometimes doing the work to get a breakthrough is hard, but pushing through brings so much freedom.

One thing that really stands out for me since starting this class is how I am so much more grounded and able to bounce back when facing difficulty or in a stressful situation. I am excited to continue using the tools and see where this will take me as my spirit is able to partner with my brain.

I can highly recommend this class to anyone wanting to grow and experience MORE of what God intends for us to have.

Thank you Cynthia for the class and investing in all of us!

— B. from AHS Practicum

When I look back and evaluate these classes, I see that my spirit has grown so much. Recently, I had an experience that came out of what I learned about my spirit. In my spine, one particular spot has had intense pain for a while. Initially I thought it was because of work, and I took some chiro sessions.

In the class, Cynthia had explained to us that the different vertebrae in our spine parallel things like the Redemptive Gifts and the Five Levels of Holiness. So then I counted the vertebrae and I thought that the pain might have something to do with my birthright or office.  When I checked with my spirit, I felt like I was discerning a black hand attaching a device in my spine, looking like an internet modem with antennas and some wires. I asked Jesus to remove this, and I felt like the good Lord did that. The pain completely disappeared. Now I am completely pain free in that spot. Thank you, Jesus!  I still don’t understand the spiritual dynamics behind all that, but I now am free from one more thing! 

 -José H. from Your Spirit Level Two

I recommend this class very highly.

Cynthia is a very safe person, and is kind, thoughtful and very knowledgeable on the subject matter. I appreciate her ability to translate and really understand. She shares great wisdom in this class and makes it enjoyable.

My classmates have all been lovely and delightful; I have learned much from them. Interaction with them really helped me make great strides against the fear of man.

I have grown so much in my relationship with the Lord and with my spirit. My joy level is way over and above where it was.

And, remarkably, I learned to set Godly boundaries with folks, and be at peace about it. I have learned to deal with intrusive people in an entirely different way, and have had such great peace, understanding and dramatically increased discernment.

Many have commented on the positive changes they have seen in me. To which I say, "Yay, God!"

-Tonia B. from Your Spirit and Your Brain

When I signed up for the Your Spirit 101 class, I had no idea what depth, breadth and beauty these sessions would bring. Cynthia met with me in so much grace and I could not be more thankful. Getting to know my spirit as we went through cleansing and synchronizing all portions to their rightful place was an amazing experience.

I still get emotional remembering the moment when the last of my seven portions was synchronized and the absolute joy and celebration that took place in the whole of my spirit.

I cannot recommend this course enough. Experiencing growth of one’s human spirit, growing into more wholeness as a person, and really experiencing what it means to have your spirit placed and anchored in the Seat of Dominion, is priceless.

Cynthia shares many tools for connecting with and growing your spirit.

With some help, our spirit can lead in intimacy with Christ and we can step out in sonship in the Kingdom dance He created us for.

-Simone B. from Your Spirit 101

In Cynthia’s class, we took a journey with Jesus and He led us uniquely to what we each needed. Everyone’s experience of the class was one-of-a-kind, crafted by God to fit each of our designs. Cynthia has deep discernment and wisdom, and I had a solid level of trust, respect, and safety with her as our teacher. I came to understand that by developing my own spirit, I’m stewarding myself and receiving God’s resources for use in His kingdom.

I had many new experiences in this class. I learned how to engage with Holy Spirit and the spirits of those in the class, and then separate my humanity from them when we finished. I saw my Prophet portion celebrating my original design and especially my conception as a wonderfully-made child of God. That was very healing. I felt great joy and freedom in my Ruler portion. I realized that my Teacher portion knows how to discern and set my face like flint for Truth. I saw my Exhorter portion playing heavenly music in the atmosphere. I watched Giver receiving from Jesus everything that He originally intended to give me through my earthly parents.

One of the most valuable things I received was coming to see myself as a priceless treasure. I loved that Cynthia would release that understanding to us constantly. I found that very healing. And to be in the process of developing a safe sanctuary inside of myself is one of the most important insights I received through this class.

-Amy H. from Your Spirit 101

I have been following SLG for seventeen years. I was very excited when Arthur first shared his revelations on the human spirit, so when this class was offered, I was interested.

As redemptive gift of Teacher, I take my time before I try something new. But FATHER knew what I needed, and gave me opportunities to interact with people who I respected and trusted who had great things to say about this class, so I decided to give it a try.
The experience I had in the class was wild, wonderful and wacky, as I learned to embrace and enjoy my right-brained design and deeply engage with my spirit. There were a lot of surprises along the way, as I learned more about how HE designed my spirit. Cynthia was able to keep even me, the teacher who loves new research, happy with new revelation and wisdom to ponder! She is also tender and gentle, so this class was one in which I felt safe to be vulnerable with the wounding that is a part of my life.

Getting to know my human spirit has been a joy that I'm still savoring as I continue to unpack all the treasures that this class offered.

Meredith S. from Your Spirit 101

When I started Cynthia’s class, I experienced some wonderful insights, healing and freedom to my spirit, but I was still unsure of my redemptive gift. With the work we had done I was better able to connect with my spirit, and I started to dig deeper about my own spiritual identity.

When I realized that I am Servant, it stirred up many areas in which I needed healing in order to accept my own design. I had to reframe how I see myself and repent for not embracing the treasure that God himself placed within me.

The breakthrough was explosive! It brought another new perspective on life and purpose. There is a confidence and inner strength that comes with knowing your design. Another beautiful chapter in the journey. Everything fell into place, and suddenly so many things in my life made sense, as a part of God's design and leading.
This little gem from Matthew 5 summed it up well for me. “O, how fulfilled are those who know who they are and what they are to do because they will experience God in the depths of their being.” That is exactly what I am experiencing now.
Can you imagine the power and influence of a body of believers who know who they are and what they are to do?!? Sounds pretty exciting to me! Thank you, Cynthia for sharing your treasures so that I might find mine!

-DeeAnne B. from Your Spirit 101

"Your Spirit 101" has been, for me, the most transformative class experience I've had thus far in life. Not only was Cynthia's presentation clear and informative, but in each session, I experienced some new change at a spirit level. Words aren't adequate here, but I do know that I feel more whole in my spirit, and that has impacted my whole being in deep ways. The Lord knew I deeply needed that at this point in time. I'm more confident of who God has designed me to be, and better equipped to minister to others. I look forward to continuing the journey. Thank you, Cynthia, for investing in each of us as you build His Kingdom.

— Rosemary B. from Your Spirit 101

Many times I see the phrase “This resource should be required for every believer,” which usually seems just a cliché to me. So with that understanding let me say,

This resource should be required for every believer!

As a deliverance minister, I'm somewhat familiar with the spirit realm, and have a realization that there is soo much more of the Bible that we don't know. Our soul can't get it or understand. This class surpassed my expectations. Cynthia expertly guides the class with ease, comfort, care, but most of all with understanding gained by experience.

I had a great group of people in my class, and it was very interesting to watch each of them in their spirit growth. I found that listening to them share what was happening with their spirit was very beneficial to me in many ways.

I'm coming to understand myself (spiritually) in ways that make sense. It puts some of the pieces together for me as to why I have acted the way I did in certain situations - as well as how the effects of those times may have been damaging to my spirit.

With Cynthia's help in setting up this foundational understanding about my human spirit, I feel much more confident and excited in discovering the next steps.

I look forward to healing & growing my spirit portions so they can be at their optimal level, but more importantly, so that they can help guide me as we/I partner together to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit/Ruach haKodesh.

-Noe G. from Your Spirit 101

This is a groundbreaking and life changing course!
Throughout the course of the class, I became more peaceful and calm. For all of my life, there were always some audios playing in my head and that stopped. I was relieved from a deeply rooted fear of man also.
Thank you so much Cynthia.

— Jose H. from Your Spirit and Your Brain

I am eternally grateful for this class. The first few weeks of Cynthia ministering to my spirit was a period of my spirit learning to trust, and receiving healing. During one of the sessions, my spirit brought up the issue of shame and how what I was feeling was not mine, but rather an ancestor’s shame. I was not expecting that! I thank God for that revelation and for healing me from all of that shame that was not mine in the first place. I have also learnt a lot from interacting with other people in the class; hearing about their experiences has been very rewarding. I discovered during the course of the class that I am Redemptive Gift of Mercy!

I noticed that my spirit each week was always excited and looking forward to engaging with Cynthia and the class. I still have a lot of work to do, but I am very excited to see my spirit grow stronger and eventually take its rightful place of leading my soul.

-Stephanie O. from Your Spirit 101

I had a very surprising and significant healing in this class. I had been having serious regrets about an ex-boyfriend, how we broke up, how it ended etc., even though he is now happily married. This was tormenting me to the point where I couldn’t stop thinking about him; very frustrating because I couldn’t shut the thoughts off. I kept involuntarily envisioning us getting back together and him calling me to reconnect. We broke up more than 20 years ago and he is married with children now.

Cynthia advised me to dialogue with my spirit and the Lord and ask if I am still hooked to this man in any way, and ask the Lord to disconnect us spiritually. She suggested I keep going until I had peace about it. She also advised to go to the spot in the river where the relationship was and see what is left over. For the next couple of days I called a meeting of my spirit and Lord and asked all these questions. I don’t recall getting anything specific during that time but do recall there was no warfare and it was very easy.

Within a couple of days the tormenting thought-loops had stopped so much so, that I completely forgot that I had the experience and didn’t remember until about ten minutes before our next class. That is how supernatural it was. Just before the class I thought, “Oh yeah! That was happening for all those months, and it’s now gone!”
-Darlene H. from Your Spirit 101

As I have reflected on any changes I have noticed over the past several months of participating in the "Your Spirit and Your Brain" class, I believe I can say truthfully that there has been a deeper integration between my spirit and my brain. In the past, whenever I have wanted / needed to be assertive, there was a crippling sense of shame and I usually did not speak up when I suffered an injustice. Now, twice in the past several months, instead of quietly stewing about an injustice, I have spoken up and shared my feelings. Both times, instead of shame, I felt peace! This is such a foreign experience and I credit the good work (prayer and healing) that has come through this wonderful class. Thank you Cynthia.

-Annie W from Your Spirit and Your Brain

I was deeply impacted by this class in a number of ways. Growing up, I absorbed a lot of guilt, shame, and condemnation. This has continued to affect my self-image as an adult. After Cynthia prayed for the Thalamus, one day, all of a sudden I heard the Lord say to me how proud He was of what I had done in the garden and of all the hard work I had put into it! Well, it messed me up! (In a good sense, of course.) Decades of feeling that I could never measure up fell away before the real sense of God’s pleasure in me. I believe the prayer for the Thalamus and the cleansing of the receptors/gates helped me to hear those particular words from the Lord.

Another area that really shifted is that I have always struggled to come up with nice things to say on cards - whether Birthday, Christmas or other occasions.
After taking the class, I was dreading having to write a card for a relative, but to my utter surprise, I had this flow of sentences with best wishes and blessings for her Birthday. That has NEVER happened to me! But for me that was huge!
Last week, I had the opportunity to test this again. We had a farewell dinner for someone from church with everyone writing a message in a large card. Without even thinking about this, I found myself writing a few effortlessly flowing phrases instead of just one difficult phrase with excruciating effort’. 😃🙌🏼 -Silja H. from Your Spirit and Your Brain

It amazes and comforts me how God arranges unique and special touches just for us. He is the God of details and design. In the “Your Spirit 101” class, Father God led me in a completely different, unique way for each individual portion of my spirit as we were praying through the different transitions. I have come to recognize that I am unique and that HE speaks to me in gestures that affirm this.

Cynthia has a wonderful flow that assists this process. She is in tune and in time with what Holy Spirit is doing.This class was a boost for me and my walk. Cynthia is a great resource. Looking forward to more from her.

— Paula O. from Your Spirit 101


In this class, I experienced the Light of the Holy Spirit, shining in revelation on previous stages of my life, where I had no idea that quite a few interactions in community had left behind a mark or an effect on my spirit. It was a timely joyful cleansing and healing process which I treasure. I would love my loved ones to gain the benefit of such an occasion. It is highly recommended.

— Heléne B. from Your Spirit 101

I loved the Spirit 101 class taught by Cynthia Harris. It is so exciting to engage the different portions of your spirit, and to feel their presence and to have them in the position within you that God intended. I will now engage with my spirit in a whole new way. I believe I will also take the class again to continue to become more whole in spirit, soul, and body.

— Sharon M. from Your Spirit 101

This class has been an amazing journey. I have discovered this year that I have a human spirit with 7 portions and they each communicate with me in many ways. I would recommend this class to anyone who wants to become everything our Father God created each of us to be before the foundation of the earth.

— Tonia J. from Your Spirit 101


If you long to live from your God-given design and walk in your purpose and calling, you owe it to yourself to take this class. Cynthia is highly skilled at hearing the Lord and discerning the direction to go. She is safe and non-judgmental, disarming and wears authority, confidence, gentleness and humility as a garment.

She asks your spirit for permission to go in a particular direction and never does anything against your will. Cynthia facilitates the empowering of your human spirit and partners with it to uncover and unpack the treasure within so you can be a high-impact player in life.

— Peta-Gay R. from Your Spirit 101

Each session was amazing. I learned new and exciting things about myself, and was very surprised to receive a lot of emotional and physical healing during the process. Many things brought me to tears, but there was also an increase in my emotional capacity and a deepening of joy and peace. The journey brought interesting connections to each spirit portion, and an abundance of understanding that answered many questions of the past. Cynthia is an excellent facilitator and teacher. She creates a safe, protective environment in which to learn, receive, and grow. I came to love and appreciate her and her unique design. The greatest thing I gained from the class was the experience of Awe of our God, Who lovingly made us so intricately, so uniquely, beyond words.

-Tonia B. from Your Spirit 101

The course, “Your Spirit 101” introduced my human spirit to my soul and body, and it was a surprising and positive experience. As I invested more effort and time in interacting with my spirit, it felt like my spirit became more confident in expressing messages to me. Understanding that my spirit is made up of seven portions corresponding to the seven redemptive gifts was helpful.

Now, in the “Your Spirit Level Two” class, I have become familiar and comfortable with navigating the portions of my spirit. Additionally, the Bible has become more vivid as I read or listen to various passages.

 For all of my adult life I have struggled with body image and weight control. My spirit, under the guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ and the coaching of my class partner showed me how certain toxic agreements resulted in the women of my family line struggling with weight issues. Healing in this area is an exciting experience as my spirit begins to truly lead my soul and body toward full synchronization with God’s design.

-Annie W. from Your Spirit Coaching


I embarked on the Your Spirit 101 journey not knowing what to expect and was totally 'blown away' by what was revealed and experienced during the sessions. Each session built on the next and became more and more exciting each week. I have been a committed Christian for over 40 years, but learned more about my human spirit in those few weeks than I had learned in my entire life. The specific prayers Cynthia prayed each week powerfully engaged with my spirit to reveal treasures previously unknown and brought alignment and order where needed. I have a whole new relationship with my spirit now which is utterly amazing. I recommend that anyone wanting to go deeper into finding out how truly magnificently we have been created, take this course.

— Sandy C. from Your Spirit 101


The “Your Spirit 101” class with Cynthia Harris provided a springboard from which my spirit has found a new meaning of Isaiah 43:19, “Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” 

After each class, I found myself increasingly attuned to the variety of my spirit portions. In my daily circumstances, I now find redeemable resources as I first seek to partner with my spirit and God’s, and I’m seeing fresh dimensions, joys, and harmony as I synchronize with His timing.


— Molly M from Your Spirit 101

The “Your Spirit 101” class was enormously beneficial. Cynthia brings a rich depth of knowledge to healing and aligning our human spirit. I have noticed a definite difference in my own ability to connect with my spirit since taking this class. And now the “Your Spirit Level Two” class has been a wonderful experience. It’s been great to partner with another class member and really dive into the specific nuances of healing the different portions of the spirit. It has also been great experience for me to be working with another person’s spirit.

— Tandy C. from Your Spirit Coaching

Taking “Your Spirit 101” has been such a freeing experience. I am beginning to truly feel like myself. The prayers, spiritual cleaning and the information that you will receive from this class are priceless. Through the eyes of my spirit, I suddenly became aware of how cluttered my home had gotten; after a few sessions of classes, I threw out at least 5 bags of unwanted clothing, furniture, and organized my kitchen. And I have kept up with managing it and I don't feel so overwhelmed by it all. It's like a light bulb switched on and I can see clearly.

This is a brilliant course.

— Kimberly F. from Your Spirit 101


Cynthia’s Your Spirit 101 Class provides a way of examining yourself, and allowing the Holy Spirit to show you yourself, which results in coming into a fuller relationship with Jesus.

There was no wasted or fluffy discussion time. The discussions were insightful and helpful. Everyone got HUGE results.

A notable point is, you’re not required to “share” anything. There’s no pressure to spill your guts, or to say anything, to the group. So it is truly a safe environment. No prying. No pressure. No nonsense. No weirdness. You’re free to share as much as you please, but no pressure at all.

Cynthia is a gentle teacher with a whole lot of spiritual power. Cynthia was great about answering questions, and she also made herself available to take emails with follow-up questions. She was always diligent in responding and generous with her knowledge and time.

I highly recommend this class if you want to deepen your love and experience of our Savior.

— Elizabeth J. from Your Spirit 101

I found this class and Cynthia's personality soothing, but exciting at the same time. I have experienced such a depth of courage and peace while hearing her voice and the blessings, in learning about and blessing all the portions of my spirit.

This course helped me to stay focused on an incredibly difficult legal action that was necessary, but terrifying. I now have spoken to my spirit so often during the course of the class, asking for guidance and wisdom.

As a result, I have felt peace when normally I would be shaking. I have had much more energy than I have had in a long time and my time in the Word has yielded much more fruit that I now see pertaining to this issue. I highly recommend this course.

-Jeanne B. from Your Spirit 101

I remember so many good things about how Cynthia did this class! We could ask a lot of questions ...I can also say I learned a lot , discovered a lot, lots of possibility to grow into, to work with ....

But something else, besides the wonderful things that happened during class , had a huge impact on my life. At the end of each class , Cynthia taught us to separate ourselves & disconnect from every human being and that was a life changer for me. Boundaries had previously been overruled in every area in my life, and it was amazing to discover that now I was restored and free just to be myself ...I have learned to pray this a few times a day, and every time, I can feel the freedom again.

I also discovered that I was hearing other people’s spirits reaching out for mine, when I always assumed I was hearing from God as a call to intercede for them. Now I understand how to tell the difference between the voice of God and all the voices of needy individuals who want to attach to me......I love the new freedom!!

-Frieda DW. from Your Spirit 101

I have absolutely LOVED Cynthia’s “Spirit 101” course. When I learned from Arthur Burk about the seven portions of our spirit and the benefits of getting to know them, I tried to communicate to the portions of my spirit, but gave up because it just felt so weird.
So, as soon as Cynthia’s course popped up I jumped at it without hesitation.
Being in a group setting with such a wonderful and gifted coach made it so much easier, and for the first time I was able to discern some portions of my spirit.
Cynthia led each portion of our spirits on a ‘wild’ adventure, and along the way, introduced us to so many pearls of wisdom.
For me, ‘Your Spirit 101’ has been an invaluable springboard into a journey of discovery into my design and my walk with the Lord based on each portion and their differing ways to fellowship with Him - and ultimately into deeper intimacy!

Silja H, Australia, from “Your Spirit 101”


I took Cynthia’s Your Spirit 101 class and I am amazed and grateful at how thorough Cynthia is with each of the students in her class. When I felt “stuck” & had a question, she also addressed it & answered my question in a way where I sensed a relief in my spirit. What Cynthia taught in the class & what I received from the class has been richer than what I can put down in words. I would recommend this class to those who would like to get to know their own spirit.

— Daphne K. from Your Spirit 101


I took Cynthia’s class because I wanted to identify the “voices in my head”; which was spirit and which was soul. Through her coaching, I learned that each of the 7 parts of my spirit have a voice! She was able to help me get an understanding of how each of those parts “present” themselves to my soul. I now have a picture in my head of how each of my spirit portions “look.” I gained sooo much understanding about my spirit. I highly recommend this class!

— Bethany T. from Your Spirit 101

I went into this class by faith…   I’m careful about what I put into my spirit; I just knew I needed to engage with this at the next level! I found that as I actively agreed with the prayers, that my faith was built to receive what God wanted to do in my spirit, then my soul could better receive instruction from my spirit. That freed the way for dreams, words of knowledge and the unscrambling of inner vows. I’m excited about the next step!

— Teresa M. from Your Spirit 101


Something very significant happened to me as I participated in this class, some of which is still unfolding. I had many spiritual encounters and dreams throughout the weeks of the course. I highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to engage their human spirit. Cynthia is so very welcoming and provides a safe place to explore areas of your spirit that you may not even be aware of.

— Darlene B. from Your Spirit 101


The "Your Spirit" course was a wonderful experience! It provided a comprehensive guided format for ministering to each portion of my spirit and learning about how they all come together to operate in leadership over body and soul. Cynthia is very knowledgeable but displays such humility - quickly reminding us that there is still so much we do not fully understand. I enjoyed connecting with my classmates and had so much to process and ponder between sessions. I highly recommend this course.

— Andrea T. from Your Spirit 101


I discovered so much about how my spirit functions and comes alive, while working with Cynthia in the “Your Spirit 101” class. Learning to partner with my spirit was and still is very gratifying.

I learned that my spirit loves flowing water and fountains.

I had not expected that my spirit is so able to tell what it likes and ready to share things about what treasures it carries. The whole class was full of awe and healing. Then I did the “Your Spirit Level Two” class, and learned to be a giver myself, in learning to bless someone else’s spirit! That was sometimes a real challenge but the Lord was so gracious and it is so amazing to learn to work with the portions of the spirit of another person. I will never be the same again! It was transformational for me and a great blessing.

— Wilma I. from Your Spirit Level Two


I started the Your Spirit 101 course convinced of my redemptive gift, but seeing a disconnect that made me believe I must be a very wounded version. When Cynthia (very gently) suggested that I might actually have a different gift, once I worked through the denial, I was set free and many aspects of my life began to make sense – what a life changing and enriching course this has been – thank you to Cynthia & the Holy Spirit who worked through this process to administer & bless my Spirit.

— Sharon L. from Your Spirit 101

“The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord,
Searching all the inner depths of his heart.”

— Proverbs 20:27