
Your Spirit 101

Did you know your human spirit is different from your soul?

Do you know how to tell the difference?

Do you know which one is leading?

In this class, we explore seven facets of the human spirit, and work through different levels of cleansing and re-establishing original design, to anchor and establish the spirit so that it can lead, the way God intended.

For those who already feel that they have good connection with their spirit, this is a great way of going deeper. We do an extremely deep cleanse of the light that is flowing into the Spring of Conception, and re-anchor God’s design for each portion specifically. There is a great deal of generational cleansing that takes place.

Arthur Burk has pioneered the understanding of your spirit’s “inner landscape,” in which there are powerful resources and tools that the Lord has established for the use of your spirit. We work with many of those tools, creating a synergy in which your spirit, soul & body can richly partner together.

This class is a personalized experience directed toward getting you connected & set up for a lifetime of rich interaction with your human spirit. Many people also feel a deeper connection with God through this class.

Even if you think you don’t ever feel anything spiritual, and you have no idea what connecting with your spirit would be like, this class is for you! We cater to absolute beginners as well as those who have some sense for their spirit already. Come join us!

Course fee: $375

The class is limited to ten people per class. Each class will meet weekly for eight sessions. Each session tends to run about two hours.

Upcoming class sessions:

Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST, beginning Sept. 3.

To find out how to register for this class, click here.

Please note that there will be no refund given after the first class

“Each week a new prayer sequence was applied to a portion of our human spirits. I found that as I actively agreed with the prayers, my faith was built to receive what God wanted to do in my spirit. That helped my soul to better receive instruction from my spirit. That, in turn, freed the way for dreams, words of knowledge and the unscrambling of inner vows.

I’m excited about the next step!”

— Teresa M. from Your Spirit 101

“The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord,
Searching all the inner depths of his heart.”

— Proverbs 20:27